Application for our Matric First Work Experience PAY Project Internship Opportunities 2022 opens 6 January and closes 26 January 2022. The programme will provide matriculants between the ages of 17 – 24 with work experience and training within one of the 13 Western Cape Government Departments.
Table of Contents
Qualifying criteria:
- 24 years old or younger.
- wrote and passed the National Senior Certificate (NSC) in the Western Cape.
- not going to study further in 2022.
- South African citizen, residing in the Western Cape.
- no support network to help you make informed career choices.
- not sure of your next step after school.
- financially constrained.
What will you achieve?
- Work experience in the public sector.
- Contactable references for your brand new CV.
- A set of skills and experiences that will make you more marketable and employable.
- A year in which to make informed career choices together with a network to back it up.
Make it happen
- Application closes 26 January 2022
Application tips
- If you don’t have an email address, create one at a free email site like Gmail or Yahoo. You will need it to apply.
- You have to register first before you can apply.
- Once you have registered successfully, you’ll receive a username (your email address) and password (one-time pin number).
- Use the username and password to login and complete the application.
- After completion of the application, you will receive a message: ‘You have successfully applied for the PAY Project internship.
- Please save your username and password in a secure place so that you are able to access it should you need to.
- Find out more by reading our Recruitment Guide.
We’ll be verifying each applicant’s National Senior Certificate (NSC) results with the Western Cape Education Department as well as any other relevant documentation.
Applicants will only be appointed once they’ve passed a security check, which includes having their fingerprints taken.
Applicants must ensure that they open bank accounts before undergoing a personal security check.
Applicants must also ensure that they register with SARS to obtain a tax number before the personnel security check.
For more information on the recruitment process, read the full 2022 PAY recruitment guide.
On-the-job training will be provided in the following departments:
- Department of the Premier
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Community Safety
- Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
- Department of Economic Development and Tourism
- Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning
- Department of Health
- Department of Human Settlements
- Department of Local Government
- Department of Social Development
- Department of Transport and Public Works
- Provincial Treasury
- The Western Cape Education Department (WCED)
How the PAY project can change lives
Jonas Mc Carthy matriculated from Southern Suburbs Youth Academy at the end of 2011 and was an intern from 2012 to 2013.
Jonas learnt about the PAY project and decided to apply. He applied to the Department of Social Development and gained experience in general administrative work and data capturing.
After Jonas completed his PAY internship he got a learnership (based on the fact that he had practical work experience through the PAY project) for 12 months at the Learning Cape Initiative (LCI). The LCI recognised his potential and offered him a position as an admin clerk.