Education is not 11 years of school or even an extra five years at university. Education is a lifelong journey during which we acquire knowledge and draw conclusions, learn new skills and learn to apply them in practice. But it becomes self-education when we make a conscious effort to become smarter and better. And thanks to the experience of millions of people and thousands of professionals today, we can learn lessons and use them in our own lives. With some of these lessons we want to introduce you in this collection.
Table of Contents
1. Tips for self-study
You can learn on your own in a linear fashion, according to your personal ideas of how to do it. That is, without special techniques – just take a book on some topic, read it, google what you don’t understand. But, as in physical labor, special tools increase the efficiency and speed of learning. Digging a hole with a shovel is easier than without one. In his just wow essays, programmer Paul Graham explains what you need to do to learn much better. We suggest you get acquainted with his ideas and try them on yourself.
2. Tips for effective self-education
You decided to do self-education, great! But this is just the beginning of a long journey. What’s next? What questions are gnawing at you? This article reviews the frequently asked fundamental questions that people ask themselves when self-educating and provides detailed answers to them. We will tell you where to start, how to organize the process, how to memorize information and learn faster. Of course, the article is far from exhausting the topic, but it is still quite possible to use it as a guide to action.
3. A plan of self-education
Why do I need a plan of self-education? It may seem that this is unnecessary work, because you can simply buy 3-4 books on the topic and start studying them, right? Well, you don’t! One of the main problems with self-education is that without a clear plan and understanding of what and how to learn, it’s very easy to get confused and abandon the whole endeavor. That’s why you need to first work through the topics and create a plan – it will be a kind of compass with which you start your journey. In addition, the plan motivates, helps to combat disorganization, serves as a visual reminder, and has other advantages. Let’s get to know them.
4. Interleaving for self-education
Learning one skill or subject at a time is how we’ve been learning since school. This kind of methodology is used everywhere, and we have all been familiar with it for a long and excellent time. But is there a better way? Modern scientists and psychologists believe that there is, and it is interleaving – a method of learning in which it is aimed not at one area of new material, but several at once, ie mastering the material occurs in an integrated manner. In this article we will try to understand why the method is considered so promising and effective, as well as give some tips on how to apply it.
5. Discipline in self-education
Since you are interested in the topic of self-development, then the subject of self-education is not alien to you. But for sure you, like many other people, are experiencing difficulties with the lack of time, motivation, or self-discipline, because of which many good intentions to learn something on their own and remain only declarative. At best, you learn on an ad hoc basis. This all leads to confusion, and sometimes it even seems that it is impossible to learn something really hard, such as programming, by yourself. But this is not the case, and in this article about the discipline and its importance in self-education, we will try to explain how to correct the situation.
6. Why study all your life: understand the meaning of education and self-education
Many of us at least once in our lives have asked our parents, “Why study?” Perhaps one day such a question will catch you, because children, as a rule, not very eager to learn, are interested in more distracted things and unrelated to schooling. And what do you think, what is the point of education? Do we need to learn, and how do you feel about the concept of lifelong learning? In this article, we’ll talk about why lifelong learning is necessary at all, and talk about related topics.
7. How to create your self-learning system
Behind every success is a system or strategy. It helps both in the learning phase and while you’re working. A self-study system is a systematic way of sifting out unnecessary information and remembering the most necessary information. You have probably made attempts to learn something: a programming language or a foreign language. And most likely you had no particular strategy: a minimum of free time and hope for a ready-made guidebook or list of books. You started studying, but intuitively knew you were doing something wrong. You just didn’t have your own system. And the sooner you start it, the sooner you’ll start to benefit.
8. Life-Long Learning: 5 Recommendations
Life-long learning refers to lifelong or continuous learning. It is a term for the pursuit of lifelong learning. Life-long learning is a way of life in which a person refuses to stop developing, and with the help of various forms of learning, including independent learning, continues to absorb new knowledge and master new skills. In this article, you will learn what life-long learning is and get specific, practical advice on how to make lifelong learning a part of your life. You don’t think education should be limited to school and college, do you?
9. The Self-Study: Best Practices Online Program
In this program, in 5 weeks, you will learn different techniques and models of self-education with which you can learn faster, more effectively, and more interestingly. You will understand how to set academic goals, motivate and discipline yourself, and cope with laziness and procrastination. You will learn how to make a plan of self-education, select relevant sources for learning and work with them, and master a host of useful skills related to self-education, such as speed reading, using mnemotechniques, effective note-taking, and others.
We recommend you not to put off the application of the acquired knowledge in a long box, and even better if you make self-education your habit. We wish you success!