
Groote Schuur Hospital: Medical Physicist Internship 2018

Closing Date: 18 July 2014
Location: Cape Town


The candidate will undergo internship training for a minimum of 2 years as an Intern Medical Physicist according to the HPCSA accredited training programme at Groote Schuur Hospital.


  •  BSc (Hons) degree in Medical Physics or equivalent as specified by the Health Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA)


  • Registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Physicist Intern
  •  Z83 Form
  •  CV
  •  Certified copies of ID, Driver”s licence and qualifications.

NB: The Z83 form must be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (28 / 06/ 2014, candidates may use this as reference)


  •  The candidate is expected to take part in all quality control, dosimetry, brachytherapy and radiation protection calculations and measurements performed in the Division.


  • Mathematical competency
  •  Insight and problem-solving capabilities
  •  Good interpersonal relationship
  •  Computer literate

How To Apply

Download :  Z83 Form

Post: Ms. N Mbilini to The Chief Executive Office: Groote Schuur Hospital, Private Bag X4, Observatory, 7935

Enquiries: Dr TC Kotze

Tel: (021) 404-6266 / 75