The Gauteng Education Department has opened its doors for parents who want to apply for their children to get admission into public schools for the 2016 academic year.
The department said parents can visit the closest schools where they reside or work to pick up application forms from Monday.
“These application forms should be returned to the school between 21 April and 26 May 2015. The demand for space in public schools in Gauteng increases every year.
“The 2015 academic year had almost 30 000 late applications, which is double the number usually received during this period. This prompted the department to provide additional Ordinary Alternative Construction Technology (ACT) classrooms in schools where there was high demand,” the department said on Monday.
The department said it is critical for parents to register their children during this period to avoid the challenges that comes with late registration in January.
“Applying late outside of the stipulated period reduces the chances of parents getting the school of their choice where they meet the criteria. This also means that learners will be placed at a school where there is space available, this might not be close to where their parents work or reside,” the department said.
The department reminded parents that admission of learners is on a first come first served basis. Although the department has a constitutional obligation to place every learner in a school, it said application is not necessarily a confirmation of admission. The department said a number of factors are considered before placement is achieved.
“Amongst others, key factors taken into consideration when effecting learner placements are the availability of resources both Human Resource and education material. Every learner who applies for space in our schools will be placed,” the department said.
Admission advocacy campaign launch
The Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi is set to officially launch the department’s Admission Advocacy Campaign on Wednesday.
The department said the launch will take place at 6am at Park Station, Johannesburg. The launch will involve the distribution of pamphlets, encouraging parents to register on time and avoid last minute rush in 2016.
“This advocacy campaign will involve the use of various communication platforms to deliver the department’s message of early registration. The platforms will include social media, public services announcement, print and electronic media, amongst others.
“By applying now, you will be enabling us to plan properly. No applications will be accepted in January 2016,” said MEC Lesufi.
Documents required for application:
- Certified copy of birth certificate
- Proof of the parent’s residential or work address
- Immunization card for Grade 1
- Latest report card
- Parents’ copy of identity document
- Study permit for legal immigrants
- If not a biological parent, proof of legal guardianship
“Upon submission of completed application forms, parents must ensure that the school provides written proof with the date and time of submission. Parents will receive an automated Waiting List number on their cell phone/e-mail or in person from the school, once the forms are captured on the system,” the department said.
Health department finalises appeals
Meanwhile, the Gauteng Health Department has finalised over 67% of appeals lodged by employees who were found guilty.
The department on Monday said the Advisory Appeals Committee considered 25 of 37 cases that were reported to the Gauteng Legislature as outstanding.
“These are in the process of being delivered to the affected parties, progressively. The Appeals Committee considers all appeals lodged by employees found guilty of an offence and meted with a sanction including dismissal.
“As part of ensuring that the process is fast tracked and to address the back-logs, the Committee now sits at least three times a month. The next sitting is scheduled before the end of April 2015,” the department said.
The department said it believes in and will always adhere to the letter and principle of the Labour Relations regime. Currently, any employee who has been found guilty of an offence has a right to appeal and that right is sacrosanct.