750 Color Schemes

Color Schemes: how important it is in web design?

One of the fundamentals in the process of web designing is choosing an appropriate color combination. It is considered essential because it greatly contributes to the success of your site. Psychologists have discovered that people are liable on a subconscious level to color impressions and 6 out of 10 website acceptance or rejection is interconnected to this very fact. 

Color is an integral component to good web design and should be minded carefully. Choosing the right color is the key to generate positive ambiances to the visitors and as a result, make them stay longer for further engagement.

If at this point you still lack enough knowledge to make your website gain its progress. According to APlusDigital.CA these are the list of things that you need to consider in order to choose the right colors for your website.

Define Your Product / Service

Most of the time, an established business starts with colors that are on product/service. The chosen colors must also represent your brand intentions.

If you are engaged with selling environmental or organic products, “green” is obviously the perfect shade to use. Colors like red or orange would be impractical to show when it comes to environmental products/service because it will have another impact. Lighter or milky shades of colors are perfect for everything related to babies or kids. Remember to always choose a color that will match the story and personality of your product or service. 

Focus on Your Target Market

The demographic and behavioral activity of your target audience should not be ignored. The color used for a product on the elderly may not equate well with younger generations. You should also do some research regarding the usage of bright colors like red, yellow, blue etc. as they can cause eye fatigue and could increase your bounce rates.

It is also crucial to always understand the emotions of your target audience. This is possible by means of analyzing their responsiveness.

Background Color

It is overwhelming to have a different color of background. But this is inadvisable as it punches the body of the website page forward, keeps the focus on the website itself, and overpowers the content and important information.

To be able to understand the theory behind each color is one thing. Choosing an effective color palette is another important task. Start with what you know, start with the basics.


Harmony signifies balance. It is common to begin with dominant colors when deciding on a color palette. After that, you may start to layer your chosen palette. Shades of darker colors tend to be seen first and carry more visual weight, then work your way back to lighter colors.

Make Your Text Black

People worldwide are used to reading the text in black. It is easiest for the eye to see and has a traditionally professional finish.

Colors of the Highlighted Word should Reflect the Intention 

As said earlier, it is important to relate your product/service to a color relevant to your industry or intention.

  • RED is attractive and powerful. It usually encourages the visitor to take action like “Book Now” or “Reserve Now”.
  •  ORANGE is used to promote food products. It is more appealing to the younger generation.
  • YELLOW indicates optimism and creativity. It is commonly used as an accent in most cases and is best for leisure products or services.
  • GREEN is all about the environment and tourism. It can also symbolize wealth and prosperity.
  • BLUE belongs to conservative colors. Next, to white and black, this color comes with incredibly high trust value. It is best to use in high-end products. 
  • PURPLE suggests individuality, creativity, and inventiveness.
  • PINK `implies love, compassion, youthfulness and romance.
  • GOLD personifies elegance, genuineness, richness and authority
  • SILVER is best for industrial, high- teach, modern, and even glamorous things 

Learning the importance of choosing the right color scheme for your website is not an easy task. You can be tempted many choices of colors. You can apply trial and error because you can always refine the results. But as a rule, it is recommended by the experts to use 2-3 color combination. Choosing the right combination of color is the key for your online success. It can be your most powerful tool to achieve good relationship with your targeted audience.  

It explains that color scheme is really important to your website design. Sometimes you don’t need to overdo it because simplicity is more than enough to make it better. 

BIO: This post is written by APLUS Digital