[Senders Name]
[Address line 1]
[Address line 2]
[State, ZIP Code]
Sample Letter #2: Resign from a job because of a personality clash or conflict of values
[Letter Date]
[Recipients Name]
[Address line 1]
[Address line 2]
[State, ZIP Code]
[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-
Dear [Recipients Name],
It is with deep regret that I am submitting to you my resignation from my duties as the assistant project manager of the marketing division.
As you may know, there has been quite a lot of fights between me and one of my colleagues who is also an assistant manager such as myself. As we generally have the same duties to fulfill, we have found ourselves to be constantly butting heads with one another which has resulted quite a few times to a project turning out to be not the best it could be. I believe that it is a clash of our beliefs that has caused this problem for us and for our supervisor as well. I would like to take the initiative and resign from my post in order to facilitate a better working environment for everyone involved. I have also just gotten an offer to resume my studies, and I am seriously considering that idea as well. I feel that now is the best time to push through with this resignation which I have been thinking of for quite some time now.
Please know that I have been very happy with my stay here at Red Industries and I have greatly appreciated everything I have learned here. As a repayment of sorts, I would like to help out in training my replacement so that the transition would be easier.
[Senders Name]
[Senders Title] -Optional-
[Enclosures: number] -Optional-
cc: [Name of copy recipient] -Optional-