Closing Date: 17 October 2014
Stipend: To be determined in accordance with DPSA guidelines
Duration: 12 months
The Dept of Basic Education is offering opportunities to unemployed South African graduates from recognised HE institutions that have not been exposed to work experience or work experience related to their field of study,
Applications are invited from candidates in the following fields of study:
- Financial Management
- IT
- Information and Records Management
- Public Relations or Communications
- Law
- International Relations
- Asset Management
- Curriculum
- Public Administration
- Cost Accounting
- Information Science Research
- Internal Auditing
- Economics
How To Apply
Applications must be submitted on Form Z83, stating the field the application is interested in, a CV, certified copies of certificates, ID and academic transcription / record.
Failure to submit the required documents will result in their application not being considered.
Please forward your application via post to Ms. T Matlala, the Dept of Basic Education, Private Bag X895, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Sol Plaatjie house, 222 Struben Street, Pretoria
Graduates with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Enquiries: Ms Thuso Matlala, teI. (012) 357 3296.