As you write a letter to resign from your position as an optometrist, make sure that you provide one strong reason as opposed to many small ones. You may have had a great experience working in a facility and you do not want to leave with a bad taste in your employer’s mouth, so it is best to write in a pleasant, informative manner.
Your resignation letter will primarily include your reason for leaving and how you intend to make up for the loss that the facility might incur if you leave. You can talk about training your replacement or handing over your patients to another optometrist in the facility. You must provide a notice period so that the management of the facility can make arrangements to look for a replacement for you.
Ethically, you should follow what your contract or employment agreement states. The notice period in your resignation letter should conform to the terms laid out in your contract if you want your experience and recommendation letters to be released.
Have a look at the resignation letter sample below for reference.
Optometrist Resignation Letter Sample
December 26, 2014
Ms. Kimberly Marsh
Manager Human Resource
Highmark Optometrists
3810 Esteem Avenue
Sacramento, CA 17263
Dear Ms. Marsh:
Resigning my position of optometrist from Highmark Optometrists is one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. I truly appreciate the rewarding employment that the facility has provided to me and wish the company every success possible.
I have decided to open a small optometry facility on Eastern Avenue and I owe this success to the years of opportunities you provided me with so that I could learn the trade. As per the terms of my employment agreement, I am serving a 4 weeks’ notice of my intention to leave. During this time, I will conscientiously and diligently hand over my patients to Dr. Henry Wills who has graciously agreed to tend to them until his load management arrangements can be made.
During the notice period, I would be happy to train my replacement (if you have one in mind) so that Dr. Wills is not overwhelmed with his workload. As my contract dictates, all my patients’ files and records will be safely handed over to you within the next two weeks and I assure you complete discretion from my end as far as this confidential information is concerned.
I am very grateful to you for giving me many opportunities to develop my skills as an optometrist at Highmark Optometrist.
Sam Worth
Optometrist, Emp # 16522
Highmark Optometrists
(999) 000-0000
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