
Google invite SA students to design a doodle for R100 000 prize


 Doodle 4 Google!
Doodle 4 Google!

Google is encouraging ICT in South African classrooms, having announced a R100 000 technology prize that is up for grabs by schools involved in its “Doodle 4 Google” competition.

Google has invited students to design a doodle – an artistic version of the Google logo – depicting the “South Africa of my dreams”. A panel of judges is set to choose finalists before the company asks the public to vote for the four best entries. An overall winner will be selected and that doodle will be live on Google SA’s home page for a day.

The Doodle 4 Google competition is open for learners between the ages of six and 17, and the deadline for entry submissions is 22 October. Forms are available on the competition’s Web site.

Connected Classrooms

Through a series of Connected Classroom “virtual field trips”, your learners will be able to visit some of the historic sites and people that played a role in South Africa’s democracy. Field trip leaders will take questions from the participating classrooms and other viewers on the Hangout On-Air, which you can watch live on Google+ or YouTube at the times listed below (or replay at a later time). Follow Google Africa on Google+ to be notified of these Hangouts.

Connected Classroom #1: 21 Icons, Museum of Africa Design, Maboneng, Johannesburg

11 August 2014, 10:00 am CAT

Visit the 21 Icons: Portrait of a Nation exhibition at MOAD – a poignant and inspiring multi-media exhibition featuring 21 of South Africa’s greatest social masters including Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Sophia Williams De Bruyn, Ahmed Kathrada, Nadine Gordimer and George Bizos.

Connected Classroom #2: Constitution Hill, Johannesburg

15 September 2014, 10:00 am CAT

Visit The Constitution Hill precinct in Braamfontein – the seat of the Constitutional Court of South Africa and a symbol of South Africa’s unique and triumphant democracy.

Connected Classroom #3: Vilakazi Street, Soweto

13 October 2014, 10:00 am CAT

Visit the only street in the world to have have once had as residents two Nobel Prize winners! Pass by Nelson Mandela’s former house and learn more about the Hector Pieterson.\

Additional Resources

There’s always more to discover. Use these resources in your classroom (or at home) to learn more about South Africa and its people, and discover creativity in its various expressions around the world:

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