Doctors with a specialty

5 South African Highest paying jobs | No 5 receive (R616,000 Per year)

The World Bank says that South Africa has the highest unemployment rate in Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2019, the unemployment rate in South Africa is 6.2%.

As a migrant in South Africa, it may be hard to find work if you don’t have the right skills and qualifications.

Also, because there aren’t many semi-skilled and unskilled jobs, local businesses prefer to hire people who are unemployed. Before moving to South Africa, most immigrants who are old enough to work already have a job offer.

So, we made a list of the highest-paying jobs and professions in South Africa, from which you can choose the one that fits your needs best.

5. Doctors with a specialty — (R616,000 Per year)

Doctors with a specialty

Medical specialists are doctors who have studied and practiced in a certain area of medicine for longer. The pay scale for doctors is very different depending on what kind of doctor they are.

Usually, a neurosurgeon is at the top, and a general practitioner is at the bottom. Even though there are a lot of job opportunities for people with a medical degree, the fact that it takes years to get one may keep many people from getting one.

Due to the lack of trained medical staff, however, it is a very rewarding job. Specialist doctors make between R476,000 and R616,000 each year, depending on their position and how much they know.

4. Actuaries (R598,055 per year)


Every business has risks, but one of the goals of firms and sectors is to reduce these risks. Because of this, an actuary is a rare but valuable asset for any business or organization.

To be an Actuary, you need a degree in math. Actuaries figure out how likely something like an earthquake, storm, or other natural disaster is to happen and how much it will cost if it does.

You’ll need a lot of experience with managing assets and liabilities, as well as business and analytic skills and a deep understanding of how people act.

Actuaries with experience can make about R598,055 per year, which makes it one of the best-paying jobs in South Africa.

3. Certified Public Accountant — (R36,183 Monthly)

Certified Public Accountant

Not everyone can be a certified accountant because it takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice. To become a fully certified chartered accountant, you need to study for at least four years at one of South Africa’s best universities and then work for three years as an accountant.

The rewarding nature of the job, on the other hand, means that all of these trainings are not wasted. In South Africa, a Chartered Accountant makes an average of R434,191 per year.

Data shows that a chartered accountant in South Africa makes R36,183 per month. Because of this, CA is one of the best-paying jobs in South Africa.

2.The pilot — (R57,983 Monthly)

The pilot

Everyone knows that a pilot’s job can’t be done by someone who doesn’t have the same training and skills.

To become a trained pilot for a major airline, you need a certain number of flying hours, and it’s also very expensive. In South Africa, a licensed and experienced pilot makes R 695,800 per year.

To sum up, a pilot in South Africa (SA) makes an average of R57,983 per month.

1. Managers of IT — (R620,230 each year)

Managers of IT

A manager of information technology (IT) keeps track of operational needs, research projects, and technological solutions. They also put together the most cost-effective and efficient systems they can. As the need for effective technology to improve business operations grows, so does the need for IT managers and professionals.

Because their job is hard, they can expect to make R620,230 per year when they first start out. This is likely to get worse as they learn more about the field.