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TRC-identified victims of apartheid to Apply for Education Assistance

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is extending the closing date for education assistance applications of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)-identified victims of apartheid to 31 March 2015.

The closing date, which was initially set for 7 February 2015, has been extended in line with regulations signed by the President.

The department has called on all the TRC-identified victims of apartheid to make use of this last opportunity for the 2015 school calendar.

The provision of funding to the successful applicants will be paid retrospectively for the 2015 school calendar.

In terms of basic education assistance, victims and their relatives and dependants qualify for assistance if the annual gross income of the household of which the victim, relative or dependant of a victim is a member, does not exceed R132 000, or the victim, relative or dependant of a victim is a member of a vulnerable household, as defined in the regulations.

In the case of higher education and training, the annual gross income of the household must not exceed R198 000.

The assistance will be available for a period of five years from the date of commencement of the regulations.

Victims and their relatives and dependants, who qualify for assistance and wish to apply, are advised to consult the regulations for the various categories of assistance available, the time periods and amounts.

How to apply

Unfortunately this position is now closed.

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