Sibanye Gold Limited has donated R25 million to the Universities of Johannesburg and Witwatersrand towards mining and engineering studies.
The universities will share the donation equally, which will be used for capacity building, facility upgrades and student support in the mining and engineering faculties.
The partnership between Sibanye and the academic institutions is long standing. Since 2010, of the 164 students that have directly benefitted from this programme, 134 are now permanent employees of Sibanye Gold.
In 2014, Sibanye invested R14 million to support students, who are studying in disciplines that are core to the mining industry.
In addition, the company has committed to provide vacation work to enable students from both universities to gain practical experience in their field of study.
The company has contributed significantly towards infrastructure development, student support in mathematics and science, portable skills and bursaries and learnerships.
In 2013, a total of 1 220 employees and 593 community members participated in the Group’s Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) programme.
In addition, 1 354 community members have been trained in portable skills such as carpentry, welding and cutting, basic computer skills, plumbing and relevant skills that will enable them to earn a decent living.
In 2013, Sibanye spent R19 million on engineering learnerships and R20 million on mining learnerships. The company is spending a total of R164 million on education and training.
Neal Froneman, CEO of Sibanye Gold, said the company believes that mining should benefit all stakeholders and create a legacy that can endure long after the existing mines have reached the end of their productive lives.
“Our dream is to facilitate the emergence of engineers from communities around our mines such as Bekkersdal, Khutsong and Matjhabeng because we know that education will not only give us future employees, but will help us break the cycle of poverty and thereby eliminate all the social ills associated with it,” said Froneman. –