Khula Dhamma is looking for someone special to join their team. Are you interested in gaining valuable work experience in the marketing field.
If you are considering a career in the social enterprise or holistic living industry, this is the perfect opportunity for you!
We have several very exciting projects, workshops and retreats underway including permaculture workshops, Vipassana meditation retreats, a Zen retreat, 1-day yoga retreats and natural building workshops.
The list is steadily growing! To add to the excitement, we are also the Eastern Cape hosting venue for the South African Eco Film Festival in March 2015, which – when you see what we have planned – will blow you away!
You will have the opportunity to work on all of these projects in a peaceful and beautiful retreat setting far removed from the stresses of city living with the most amazing group of people. And on weekends, the rugged and untamed Wild Coast is yours to explore!
So we are looking for interns who have a keen interest in the following areas: Marketing, Social Media, Events Coordination, Sponsorship and PR.
Marketing & Social Media: Tasks will include compiling marketing documents and plans, researching marketing opportunities, finding and communicating what we offer to workshop and retreat facilitators and programmes development, assisting with promotions, writing newsletters and improving KDRC’s online presence.
Events Coordination & Sponsorship: Assistance with the planning and coordination of retreats, workshops and the film festival, finding brands in line with the KDRC vision and that of the South African Eco Film Festival. Securing sponsorship and liaising with clients.
PR: Creating media relations and strategic partnerships, writing up and distributing press releases regarding the retreat centre’s activities and that of the film fest.
Have a look at our vision and mission, see if they resonate with you and if the above sounds like fun we would love to hear from you!
The internship is an unpaid but truly unforgettable experience and you are asked to provide your own vegetarian food.
You do also have the option of trading a little loving labour for some delicious, organic veggies grown by the residents.
And accommodation is provided for at no extra cost.
Positions are available from the 1st of January 2015 with a minimum stay until the 31st April 2015 and the opportunity to stay on for longer should you find it a little difficult to leave, which seems to happen a lot here!
If these times don’t work for you but you are super keen to join us an arrangement can possibly be made.
It is important to note that Khula Dhamma Retreat Centre is a smoke, drug, alcohol and meat free space and those failing to uphold this environment will be asked to leave immediately!
If this opportunity has got your heart racing and you struggling to stay in your seat and this sounds like the type of environment you could have some serious fun in then please follow this link and drop us an email with your CV at [email protected].
Should you have any enquiries feel free to contact Matthew on 073 534 9018.