The Lesedi programme was designed to address the shortage of scarce skills and to give the youth of Ekurhuleni an opportunity to train in these skills.
The learnership covers tuition and transport.
Application forms are available from the department of education – local district office or the Trust office at Emperors Palace.
Learnerships for hospitality and electrical now available.
Please note applicants must comply with the following criteria:-
1. Residents of Ekurhuleni
2. Family household income of less than R3000-00 per month.
3. Age limit:- 18 – 22 years
4. Recipients to be FLUENT in English – this is to ensure they are able to understand lecturers and contractors.
5. Sponsorship ONLY available for the courses as attached.
6. Youth are NOT paid while studying – only a small transport allowance provided.
7. For trades, electrical, “D” symbol for Maths and Science is a minimum requirement.
The candidate must have passed Proper Maths, NOT Maths Literacy. For Hospitality a minimum “D” symbol in English
8. In order to assist the interview panel, numeracy and literacy tests will be conducted prior to interviews.
Closing date for hospitality learnership:- 30 October 2014
Unfortunately this position is now closed.
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