Closing Date: 12 September 2014
Location: Gauteng
Table of Contents
- Grade 12 with 3 year Degree / Diploma in Accounting / Financial
- Management / Management Accounting / Economics / Internal Audit / Taxation or related.
- A qualification with Accounting as a major subject will be an added advantage.
- Computer Literacy
- The MFMIP is a structured professional training and work experience programme with the goal of providing high quality training and practical exposure in all aspects of a Municipal Budget and Treasury Office which is governed by the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003 and the underlying reforms.
- The programme has a logical training sequence that builds on the skills and competencies acquired during University and Technikon training.
- It ends with a qualification in Municipal Finance Management in line with the Municipal Regulations on Minimum Competency Levels, Gazette 29967 of 15 June 2007.
How To Apply
Forward Application Form, CV (maximum 4pages) and certified copies of certificates to: P. O. Box 471, Vereeniging 1930 or hand deliver to: The Municipal Building, Cnr. Leslie & Beaconsfield Avenue, Vereeniging, 1930.
Enquiries: (016) 450 3216 / 3146
NB: Should the applicants not be notified of the outcome of their application within eight (8) weeks after the closing date, they should regard their application.