Duration of Programme: 12 (twelve) months
Number of Interns to participate in the programme: 35 (thirty five)
Stipend: R4 800-00 per month
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) will be implementing an Internship Programme as a contribution towards Skills Development and awarding unemployed graduates with an opportunity to gain experience in various skills areas. Linefunction Internship Programme (International Relations Field) will be provided for and advertised separately.
Compulsory Requirements for Applicants:
- At least 18 (eighteen) to 35 (thirty five) years old
- A Bachelor’s degree, Honour’s degree or National diploma in any of the following disciplines:
- Web Design and Information Management
- Graphic Design
- Communication Science
- Marketing
- New Media and Publishing
- Journalism
- Purchasing Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Logistics
- Archives and Records Management
- Human Resources Management
- Law
- Public Management/Administration
- Management Services
- Finance.
Ms Sarah Mkhwebane, tel. (012) 351 1632
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer with clear employment equity targets. Qualified women and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
How To Apply
- Applications should be made on Z83 Form obtainable from any Government Department and it must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of all qualifications and ID document.
- Please forward your application, clearly marked Internship on the envelope for the attention of Ms Mkhwebane / Mr Phahlamohlaka to: The Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Private Bag X152, Pretoria, 0001 or alternatively hand-deliver to OR Tambo Building, Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale.
- No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered.