Closing Date: 25 July 2014
Location: Pretoria
Ref.NO: DHET 83 / 07 / 2014
Table of Contents
- A Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent coupled with at least 6 months working experience in Financial Management
- Z83 Form
- CV
- Certified copies of qualification
- To provide financial and administrative support to projects.
- Develop a register for approved projects.
- Monitor and report on projects expenditure to ensure that allocated funds are utilized according to approved project plans.
- Exercise oversight and ensure that project implementation aligns with the requirements of the DHET.
- Knowledge of PFMA and other relevant government legislation.
- Advanced Computer Skills / Written and Verbal Communication Skills Report Writing Skills / Administration Skills.
- Knowledge of public service procurement systems would be an advantage
How To Apply
Post: The Director-General, Department of Higher Education and Training, Private Bag X174, Pretoria, 0001 or
Hand delivers: 123 Francis Baard Street, Cnr Sophie De Brun and Francis Baard Street, Pretoria, Reception Area.
Enquiries: Mr D Sebela / Ms K Mothoagae, Tel: 012 312 5512 / 012 312 5483