South African Library for the Blind

South African Library for the Blind

About South African Library for the Blind

The South African Library for the Blind renders a library and information service to blind and visually impaired people through the production of accessible South African reading material in the development of a comprehensive library collection and rendering of advisory services to promote access to information.

The Library’s mandate is to: provide a free library and information service that is responsible to the needs of the blind and the print-handicapped user; build up a balance and appropriate collection of South African and other documents, and make them accessible for the use of blind and print-handicapped readers; produce documents in special mediums such as Braille and audio formats for use by its readers; develop standards for the production of such documents; research production methods and technology in the appropriate fields; and acquire and disseminate the technology required by blind and print-handicapped people to read.

Jobs at South African Library for the Blind