
Capsicum Culinary Studio

About Capsicum Culinary Studio


Capsicum Culinary Studio is Southern Africa’s most preffered professional chef education and training institution. Your educational culinary experience with Capsicum will equip you to work both locally and internationally. Our comprehensive culinary courses, are supported by a team of highly qualified professionals who are committed to training well-rounded chefs, readying you for the global culinary industry.

The innovative curriculum integrates classroom learning with hands-on experience in the kitchen. In addition, the dedicated industry and development team will assist you with industry placement during your studies. Capsicum has more alumni than any other culinary school.

Our alumni are employed globally in a variety of top hospitality establishments and many have their own establishments.

Be inspired and follow in their footsteps – you too can venture into roles that range from executive and pastry chef to food developer, manager or stylist and even start your own business.

Call 086 111 2433 today or visit www.capsicumcooking.com to find out more.

Jobs at Capsicum Culinary Studio