Learn a New Language

Tips to Learn a New Language Quickly

Learning a new language will be your most exciting and enriching experiences. However, it takes a bit of work and sincere effort to do it the right way. While there are no shortcuts to success, you can use the following tips to quickly learn a new language and stay motivated to ace it. 

Put yourself in a growth position

As is with any new skill, you will have need strong will and dedication to learn a foreign language. Not putting yourself in a position where you need to use your newly acquired skill will tell your brain to always choose the easy way out. Therefore, it is important to put yourself in a position where you are forced to use the skill, even if it takes you outside your comfort zone. 

For instance, if you are already taking Japanese Language Classes In Bangalore, then connecting with native speakers in Japan over the internet and conversing in their language can be a good start. Don’t hesitate to tell them that you are learning and that they should point out your mistakes, if any. Growth will be inevitable if you put yourself out there and make a conscious effort to learn. 

Place more value over fluency than accuracy 

Another good way to hasten the process of learning a new language is to put more value over fluency than accuracy. It is common to confuse the two terms but they are actually quite different from one another. For instance, fluency is the ability to express yourself easily as well as articulately. Accuracy, on the other hand, is about being 100% correct. It means speaking without any grammatical or vocabulary errors. 

Did you know that you can be fluent in a language without being 100% accurate? At the same time, you can be completely accurate without being fluent. 

When you are starting to learn a new language, you must control the urge to expand your vocabulary in the initial stages. You must also resist the urge to be perfect all the time. Learning a language takes immense resources and efforts. Instead, focus on being practical and learning the language colloquially first. You can always work your way up from there. Besides, you will also save yourself the time and stress of always being correct! 

Practice repetition over cramming

You may have heard the old adage that “practice makes a man perfect.” This age old wisdom hold true even today. 

When you are learning a new language, it can be tempting to cram things up and stuff new words into your brain. However, that effort will be in vain if you don’t practice every day. While it may be effective in the short term, what you need to develop eventually is a long-lasting memory of your lessons so that the learning stays with you forever. 

You need to incorporate effective ways to memorize the language to avoid cramming. You can use plenty of online tools to help you do that. You can also create flashcard that will teach you how to use certain words and phrases in your daily lives to help you learn faster. You can also use real-world videos to see the reference in which certain sentences are used or watch music videos to learn in a fun way. Watch movie trailers or read text books in the local language to get a hands-on learning experience. All these tricks are especially necessary for a tricky language like Japanese that needs to be practiced everyday if you want to learn it quickly. Set aside at least 30-45 minutes every day for practice alone. 

Find a language partner

Why hesitate to ask someone for help? Just find someone who is learning the same language as you and is on the same level as you. It would not only be fun to learn together with a partner but also help you master the desired skill in less time. 

Having support of the other person is the key to mastering a foreign language quickly. You can both practice together, learn from each other’s strong areas, encourage one another, and be accountable to each other for your respective progress. Be open about feedback, discuss learning tips, and share resources to help each other come up the learning curve faster. 

For instance, if you are learning Japanese, then schedule movie nights together where you can watch fun anime movies as you help each other learn! 

Basically, just have fun with the process. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and stay committed to your program. All these tips together with your unfazed dedication will help you learn a new language quickly and successfully in no time. So get started right away to make some real progress!