Suiderland Plase Pty Ltd

Suiderland Plase Pty Ltd – vacancies /Careers

About Suiderland Plase Pty Ltd – vacancies /Careers

Suiderland Plase Pty Ltd is a grower/ fruit export company located in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.

We produce, pack, distribute and export high-grade fresh fruit from farms located across South Africa. Our premium citrus and table grapes have earned international recognition through our commitment to superior service and quality produce.
How we care about our people, our customers and our environment is reflected in the way we do things. We follow ethical trading standards and create value for our customers through responsible cultivation, sustainable growth and forward-thinking farming strategies.

Contact Info

Website http://www.suiderlandplase.co.za/

Jobs at Suiderland Plase Pty Ltd – vacancies /Careers